Food fighter. A young businessman with a big appetite.

The stomach of a young businessman in this suit resembles, metaphorically speaking, a black hole floating in space. His speciality is gluttony. He consumes a huge amount of food, more than you can imagine from his appearance! Most gluttonous people eat in pain, but the great thing about him is that he eats like he is delicious.

I think every country has restaurants that offer gluttony challenges, but Japan has a relatively large number of restaurants that offer gluttony challenges. If you are confident about your gluttony, why not try a gluttony challenge in Japan? If you succeed in the Gluttony Challenge, it’s free! If you fail, you will pay the price.

One response to “Food fighter. A young businessman with a big appetite.”

  1. glimp Avatar

    If you succeed in the gluttony challenge, it is free. If you fail, you pay the price. Please beware!

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