The manga AKIRA was first serialized 40 years ago, in 1982, and already in the manga, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were depicted. Moreover, in the second volume of AKIRA the construction site of the Tokyo Olympic Stadium is depicted, and there, along with a sign that reads “413 days to go until the Games”, “Cancel, Cancel!”.
413 days before July 24, 2020, when “TOKYO2020” will open, is June 7, 2019. In that month, the person who was the subject of an investigation by French authorities over “alleged slush funds” at the time of the Olympic bid is stepping down at the end of his term. The opponents of the Olympics had criticized the government for “getting away with it in the gray” and “this black Olympics should be cancelled!”.
But that’s not all. AKIRA also contains a depiction reminiscent of the new coronavirus scare. The depiction of a construction site includes the words “WHO condemns measures against contagious diseases”.
AKIRA creator Katsuhiro Otomo is a genius; director Tiven Spielberg has praised AKIRA, saying, “This is the kind of film I wanted to make” and Grammy Award-winning musician Kanye West has said, “This film has had the greatest influence on my creativity”. In fact, the music video for “Stronger” strongly reflects the world of AKIRA.
AKIRA Comic, complete set of 6 volumes
It will be a 6-volume set. Why not take this opportunity to read Akira?
Buy now on Amazon
One response to “AKIRA (ANIME 1988-2019 Remix Tribute)”
I am not exaggerating, AKIRA has had a tremendous impact on my life!
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As you can see from the video, sumo isn’t just about power!
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