Buautiful Otagei and its background.

1. The professional dancer.
Otagagei has evolved and is beautifully choreographed, bold and complete. The lights (psyllium) that emit light have also evolved and can now express emotions in a variety of colors. They are artists.
2. The amateur Dancer.
This is how otagei originally existed. Dancing to support underground idols. Although the dance has some sharpness, it is by no means of a quality that would call them artists. Everyone seems to be free and having fun.
3. The one fool.
This is a very famous video. Otaku completely copied the dance of underground idols. They dance together with the underground idols, but the underground idols can’t hold back their laughter.
4. The naked man.
I know some people make fun of geeks, but don’t make fun of them. They are always the creators of culture. When something new culture is born, the public cannot keep up with the senses and thoughts, and they take their actions as a risk. The “naked man” in this video is the very definition of a nerd.

One response to “Buautiful Otagei and its background.”

  1. glimp Avatar

    Nerds are the most dynamic and strongest leaders and at the same time they are just plain stupid.

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